Friday, October 19, 2007

Dr. Appointment

So we went to the doctor yesterday. We found out good news and bad. Let's go with the bad first. The Dr. said I needed to watch my weight gain. WEIGHT GAIN?! Are you kidding me? Isn't being pregnant a free ticket to eat whatever you want? The one time in a woman's life that she can eat cheesecake for breakfast guilt-free. No, just kidding. I don't want to get big as a barn, but, man, it seems like it just piles on so easily when you are pregnant. Jon says that I'm not getting fat, I'm getting "baby." I love that I have a husband that would say that I look beautiful even if I gained 50 pounds with this baby. But then again, he did tell me my rear was getting bigger... Hmmmmm
On to the good news. We heard the heartbeat again. I think that is something that I'll never get tired of hearing. Jon is already trying to figure out how he can record it on my next appointment. He wants to put it on his computer so he can listen to it whenever he wants. I know, we're obsessed. But hey, give us a break. It is our first child. I'm sure that you were or will be just as bad. Last month it was 164 which got me thinking girl. This month it was 144 which of course got me thinking that it is a boy. Don't fret too much about it. I go on November 19th for my ultrasound. So unless this child is as ornery as his father(or mother) and has his or her little legs pressed together, we will know if we are having a Jonnie or Jessie!


Follow Me to a Beautiful Somewhere said...

oh how i love you jessica :) your hair looks so cute, I hadn't seen a picture of it, til just now! So the dr is saying that you're gaining too much too fast?
i miss you and i love you!

Liz said...

Yay!!! I'll love keeping up!

Erika said...

hey I am so happy for you all. I have not heard anything about you two in forever!!! Good luck on the weight gain:-) I have only gained 13 pounds and I have 4 and a half weeks left, but I have had to be VERY careful because of my diabetes.