Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Name Game

Ever since we learned that we were pregnant, we have been looking at tons of baby name books. Some of these books will blow your mind with the amount of names. One has over 100,000 names. How are you supposed to find that perfect name for your baby when you are also looking at 99,999 others?! So I decided that picking a name is stressful. After all, she is going to be stuck with it the rest of her life. No pressure though! It got a little easier when we found out that we were going to have a girl. At least that cut it back to 50,000. Then you have to consider the whole last name thing. For most people isn't a big deal. But when you have a name like Hood....things sort of get complicated. For instance, you pick out the name Carmen. It could get shortened to Car. Then all you are left with is Car Hood. Not very appealing for a girl. My dad is convinced that we should name her Robin, but Robin Hood was a boy! (no matter what we name her, he already told us that he was going to call her Robin Hood!)
I'm very happy to say that out of over 100,000 names we came up with what we think is the perfect name. We'll be happy to share that with you in about four months! Until then, you'll just have to call her baby girl. Oh, by the way, don't talk to Jon. He may just crack under the pressure. ;)


Liz said...

Yay! Can't wait! :>) It's a difficult thing to name a child, like you said. Our first two were easier, then this one . . . we sweated!
